We here at HoneyPoint3D pride ourselves on our history of quality 3D printing education, and now we have something new to share with everyone!  We have created a brand new educational site with all of our training in one place for people to learn about 3D printing, 3D design, and generally advance their learning on this exciting field.  We have a link on our home page that talks about the classes, and then the dedicated educational portal (both of which are referenced below).

We started our online 3D printing training in earnest with our Kickstarter for Meshmixer which was 178% funded and was in the top 12% of all Kickstarters in 2015.  After almost a year of the course being out, with hundreds of happy learners, we have added a new way to get the 3D printing that people are looking for: our “All Access Pass”.


This All Access Pass allows you to access ALL of our paid classes for one monthly fee, and as we add new classes to the platform, you will get access to those as well!  Hooray!

In addition to the paid classes, we have a number of free classes you can sign up for as well:

  • Free 3D exercises (downloadable files to test out your 3D modeling skills)
  • Free Kids Class for 3D printing, designing for Minecraft, and 3D scanning with a cell-phone camera)
  • Free monthly video webinars where you can ask us questions in a live forum about 3D printing and 3D design and advance your learning

We are very excited to be able to offer you these classes on our new platform so please check them out!


HoneyPoint3D Educational Overview page (honeypoint3d.com/education)
HoneyPoint3D Educational portal (education.honeypoint3d.com)